Making Yorkshire Pudding

Now a true Yorkshire pudding (or so I have it on good authority) is made in one large pan, not in several small ones, and it’s served not as an accompaniment to a roast but as a first course, drizzled with gravy. Works for me. Still, once these shots were done I piled on some sliced turkey, a little cranberry and another piece o’ puddin’ and made a sandwich out of it. I can tell you that it made one heck of a Kentucky lunch! So do what you will. I know of no Yorkshireman (or woman) who’ll come ’round to check.


Yorkshire Pudding Recipe

If it looks familiar it’s because it’s almost identical to popovers, though just a tad richer. The main difference with Yorkshire pudding is that — classically — it’s baked in one large pan instead of individual servings (like American popovers). That pan needs to be heated and have at least a few tablespoons of smoking-hot meat drippings in it.

Just as with popovers, a successful Yorkshire pudding depends on well developed gluten, which is why I suggest using a blender, food processor or lots and lots of whisking is you want a decent puff. Assemble:

1 ounce (2 tablespoons) melted, unsalted butter
5 ounces (1 cup) all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, room temperature
8 ounces (1 cup) milk, room temperature
1 ounce (2 tablespoons) melted fat from a roast, or lard or butter