Kentucky Monsoon Season

Don’t know about where you are, but the last week has been some of the gloomiest, rainiest weather of the year, rotten for the sort of out-on-the-porch natural light photography that is the life blood of I’m still in my rain slicker answering questions though, so hit me! And more as soon as the deluge permits.

6 thoughts on “Kentucky Monsoon Season”

    1. Hehe…

      If you can call it that! I basically just do the same shot over and over again, that’s how sophisticated I am. Thank God for auto-focus!

      – Joe

  1. We in the soggy Northwest salute you!

    PS Just send any rain you don’t want to CA.

    1. I’ll do that! Today looks sunny so I may actually get something done!


      – Joe

  2. I spent many happy hours in Cherokee Park when I was a kid, in the early ’60s.

    Do you live anywhere near Beargrass Creek?
    Gosh, that crick can flood!
    Back then, drinkin’ the water didn’t do a body much good.
    But doctors did make house calls.

    I really like your site, Joe. I need to document some of my adventures with Carl’s 1847 Oregon Trail Starter, and get it to you.

    It’s been working really well for me. I recommend it to anyone looking for
    natural leavening starter. And it’s free! Just google it, folks.

    Well, I’m off to make your sourdough pancakes for breaky.
    Thanks for a great site!
    – Paul

    1. Hey Paul!

      I live about four blocks from there near Douglas Loop! And yeah, you’re sure right about the flooding. And the water gets N-A-S-T-Y at those time for sure. Other times it’s calm and clear and we walk it — in shoes — which is fun. Still I wouldn’t drink it under the best of conditions. Blechh.

      Do send along your starter adventures when you can. I’ll be interested.

      Cheers and thanks for the kind words!

      – Joe

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