Speaking of conventional dietary wisdom…

It’s turned out that neither dietary cholesterol nor fat are the poisons we once thought they were. What about salt? Seems that’s getting another look as well. Does this now mean that nothing we eat is bad for us? Don’t be silly. However it does mean that diet is a much more complex and nuanced topic than it’s seemed these last several decades.

7 thoughts on “Speaking of conventional dietary wisdom…”

  1. Amen. I’ve been learning lately about how much better a sea salt is for the body to handle salt than a conventional one that doesn’t have all the nutrients. I use Kosher salt in baking and that’s always been my standby (since those FoodTV days again). I abhor the taste of normal table salt. You can so obviously taste the chemicals in it. As my coach loves to say “it’s not what you eat but what’s in what you eat”. We really need to think about what is in those packages and make our own instead of allowing someone else to manipulate the food that goes into our system. I’ll have to check out these links you suggested.

  2. I’m not sure about where you live but here in New Zealand table salt has iodine added to help prevent thyroid and goiter which was a major problem years ago.

    Due to the re emergence of sea salt which as you say is much nicer, there is a concern that these health problems are returning

    Of course the push to not add salt at all to food is also probably part of the problem.

    As far as table salt goes, I use it when I need to knowing that it does have health benefits, even though I prefer sea salt.

    1. Yes I’ve heard New Zealand has had something of a problem with that lately. Or maybe there’s just been more of a conversation there. Here in the States we had terrible problems with goiter — especially here in the Midwest — until salt was iodized. I understand when people say they can “taste the chemicals” in regular table salt, though it’s important to realize that those “chemicals” are actually doing them a lot of good. Of course the truth is that most people these days take in enough iodine through — and you saw this coming — processed foods, which usually employ iodized salt. I knew I like Pringles for a reason! 😉

      – Joe

      1. No offense taken. But, I’ll take iodine in some other form than eating it in food. Unless it is there naturally like granulated kelp (which I think tastes better than salt on potatoes!)

        1. Hey Linda,

          That’s fair enough. My main point is that most people would never think to supplement their diets with iodine on purpose. Thus I think in general it’s very worth the trade-off.

          – Joe

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